...... go to police.

But then later in the interview, in her own words said:

"He had been raping me for a few years, and this particular night it was so bad I thought he was going to kill me."

So he had been raping her for years, to the point where he thought he would kill her, yet later used as an excuse as to why she didnt go to the police earlier (and thus save several lives in the process) that she never thought he was capable of murder.

You can't have it both ways love and to go on TV and get paid for interviews to 'tell your side of the story' while you have blood on your hands for your complete lack of action which directly allowed this beast to commit several more murders is disgusting.
Levi Bellfield is the man who killed several woman and is suspected of killing Milly Dowler.

Edit - Jomamo. You are right. This airing of dirty laundry is not benefiting anyone apart and only adds to the anguish. As for her, she should be bowing her head in shame and not appearing on any TV network, the way her actions directly allowed this man to continue his raping and killing spree. Sorry but I have nothing but contempt for the woman. Its bad enough what she did. But to then do the media tour pocketing money as you go .......... that is beyond disgusting. Since when should people complicit in crimes benefit financially?