Im a guy, a junior in high school. and i have a serious problem. Whenever i try to make an intimate move on a girl i literally collapse at the very thought of it. i've made out twice and felt a girl outside her shirt. I really cant go past that. Can someone please tell me how to suppress the SURGE of adrenaline that enters my blood stream whenever i try to make a move/ think about making a move??? What is wrong with me? Im positive im attracted to women, i just cant do shit!! im starting to get depressed and sad when i here my friends hooked up with a girl. the thing is, is that im pretty attractive and i know a lot of girls have liked me and im really good at flirting i just cant go beyond that! please help, once again i would like to know how i can suppress the adrenaline that is pumped into me at these times and how i should go about making a move.... thank you