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  1. #1
    Kevin B
    Kevin B's Avatar

    Are all the people on here complaining about Obama tax hikes making over 250k?

    I was unaware that people in Y! Answers made so much money!

    Are they aware that, even for someone making, say 300k, the extra taxes would only be less than 2k?

    Why are people making such a big deal about 2 thousand dollars tax on people making over 5 times the average salary in America?

    And yes, I am a Republican, but I just can't stand when people use straw-man arguments. If you want to argue against Obama, argue against him on a REAL issue, like abortion or the war in Iraq (even though I agree with him on that)

    Please stop using false arguments. It really makes us look bad. Like "Obama is going to tax the middle class at 60%". This is nothing short of a lie, and makes people ignore any valid arguments you may have. Same with "Obama is a Muslim" (He hasn't had any connection to the Muslim faith since he was a toddler) and "we haven't seen his birth cirtificate" (the media has, and I have seen photos of it), etc.

    Please, before you make a statement, check it on factcheck.org or snopes.com for accuracy. Please. See?

  2. #2
    Hey There
    Hey There's Avatar
    Making over $250,000.00 really isn't a big deal. It depends on what part of the country you live in, what line of work your are in, and if that counts as a joint (married) gross income. Where I live, it is considered "middle class".

    And like someone mentioned already, this amount has changed. Now it has been dropped down to families making $100,000.00.

  3. #3
    grob's Avatar
    I seriously think most of these people are kids who've never held more than a summer job or a college internship and thus have never even paid income taxes. That and they think their parents make way more money than they actually do.

  4. #4
    Bub's Avatar
    No, most of the ones complaining don't even make $25,000.00 per year, they are just a bit slow and have fallen prey to the GOP BS.

    If I made $250,000.00 per year, I would gladly pay $2,000.00 or so more each year in taxes to help our great country provide universal healthcare for all it's citizens.

    Be American, Buy American, from American based companies.

  5. #5
    mbush40's Avatar
    I just don't see why the American Dream has to be limited to $249,999.99.

  6. #6
    Major Deek
    Major Deek's Avatar
    I think many people will change their work habits and deductions so they will make $249,999.99 a year.

    Who will the parasites get their money from then?

    LOL, the jokes on you socialist!

  7. #7
    There - Take that
    There - Take that's Avatar
    In reality, he is going to tax people with much lower incomes than that. My family doesn't make... Well, I won't tell you just how low our income is, but we are not wealthy. I've never even owned my own home. But I'm happy with my life. I chose to live with a lower budget so I could live the way I wanted to. My family doesn't try to live beyond its means.

    Put it this way. My sister is pretty wealthy. She also works so hard that she's ended up hospitalized a few times from stress related symptoms. She has worked for everything she has. Should I go knock on her door and say, "Hey, you got plenty. Gimme some o' that."

    That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. SHE has that much because SHE worked for it. She gives to charities of her choice, both with her money and her time. It isn't anyone else's place to decide where her charitable contributions should be made. When are people going to stop looking for a freaking handout and get off their asses to make something of themselves?

  8. #8
    Bob B
    Bob B's Avatar
    Its not the principle of paying more in taxes. Here's the part they don't like- Obama is trying to make it a level playing field for everyone by bringing the bottom up a lot. This means that the $150,000 house or the $35,000 car they these people are driving isn't go to be as impressive as it was during the Bush administration because many, many more people will be able to afford them. That's what they are opposed to is losing the minuscule amount of affluence in their communities that they cheated(or as they say, worked) so hard to get.

    And actually in regards to the variance in income, What has been said is that people over $250,000 will see this slight increase in taxes, people at $150,000 won't see a change in taxes and people under $100,000 would see a decrease in taxes. The standard for the tax increase has not changed.

  9. #9
    lawrenceba549's Avatar
    No, I don't, but if my boss makes more than that in his business, his taxes go up, therefore, either my hours get cut, my wages stagnate, or I lose my job.
    That's not good for the economy.

  10. #10
    ss_brakey's Avatar
    I have found that the people who belive any of the crap that is out there on either candidate, are the ones who don't actually do any research. They only pay attention to blogs and Fox News, Rush, Hannity, etc. It would take to much effort on their part to actually read something. I have also noticed alot of them rant or use the tactics children use when they are arguing instead of making a valid point.



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