i googled cold urticaria and it said its diagnosed by putting ice on arm for 5 mins.

i tried that and i got nothing except for numbness. i also tried it on inner elbow and forearm.

yesterday it was really windy and cold (unexpected weather) so i was wearing shorts and t shirt outside(i have 1st period PE 8:50 am). we werent doing much physical activity besides throwing a frisby a few times so not much heat - just waiting for the guys to finish a mile run.

so after about 30 mins outside i got rash on my legs - hives you call it? it was on the front and back of my legs.

ive had this before when we were outside on windy days sitting on the cold pavement for 3 hours in 5th and 6th grade. those days i rememver getting the rash on mostly my thighs, legs, neck and arms.

maybe if i had stayed out longer yesterday i would have also gotten it on my arms and neck ?

i cant say i get it on snowy days because it hasnt snowed here for decades ive heard.