I was diagnosed at 13 with "kissing tonsils" and as describe i had been rushed to the emergency as my tonsils inflammed to the point of 'kissing' in the back of my throat. I been hospitalized for a week or so and in being sent 'home'(i had been hopping hotels with my brother and dad after deciding we couldnt go back to the rv where i had caught it) my infection was gone by my 14th birthday but the inflammation remained...as it continued to remain at the beginning of freshman year, several weeks after it at once got infected while pulling an all nighter at a friends house, i went back to emergency and got another perscription...the tonsilitis remained...over the year(while getting abused and being forced to forget about the inflammation) i had three penicillin shots to the hip, two more perscriptions, and at length a needle drain to my left tonsil(not fun): im 15 and after getting flown to my moms i got a mandatory check up with my former docter and on the 19 i go in to get my first check up since my father became an alcoholic and started abusing me at age 11...whats the possible damge for such a lengthy inflammation...what stresses on my immune system should i at length be worried about(i often get canker sores, bad tastes, an occasional white spot on my left tonsil, my voice is still muffled, and though none of my symptoms r serious enough for an ER visit the length of my -itis plays a huge role in the crappy mood im constantly waking up in)