I would be talking about how world conflict begin. My opinion, on world conflict, is about "two different opinion of
individuals or group." This is shown from World War 1 of Serbia and the Central Powers, United States and Serbian in Kosovo, and domestic affairs within are nations. I will follow trough those events and support my Idea.

World War I was about Serbian idea of giving up there people andgetting them executed by Austria-Hungry. Serbian believe that there peopleis more valuable than Austria-Hungry's threat. Serbian view is that, "Why should we give are people when they are being 'Patriotic' to our nation." So basically what this meant was, a rephrase of one of United States Article codes of conduct. Article 6 says, "I will never forget that I am an American, Fighting for freedom, responsible for my action and dedicated to the principles
which made my country free, I will trust in my God and the United States of America." So basically Serbia was protecting it's people for what the nation though was right. I mean, in my opinion, If I shot Hussain or Melosavitch(spell?) U.S. Government would probably not turn me in. Even if they say that they do not participate in assassination, because of the Geneva Convention. This almost or is
the same with Serbian at that time. They protect there people because they do not want to punish a nationalist just because he was being patriotic. They probably shot Austria-Hungry leader, because the plan that Austria-Hungry want to take over your territory. Ask yourself this ,would you punish your son or daughter who shot a burglar before he/she/it entered your house?

In Kosovo, United States View is that Serbian doing things the wrong way. In are nation cleansing ones race in a area is just not the way to go. Serbians view of it is that the Albanians took that land from there ancestor and wants it back. But, of course U.S. has a different view on this issue, just like Vietnam and the Communist expansion. U.S. see's no more than human life being wasted because of there ethnic background, Serbian see's this as a nationalist "thing" and wants it back. There is the clash of two different opinions. This section is now self-explanatory because of the more detailed opinion up above.

In the United States, we have domestic problem of are on, involving two different opinions. Such as Domestic Violence, Technically I have no idea how to begin this since I have not witness a domestic violent in real life. I will try my best, by what I see in cops. In cops most domestic violence consist of two different viewof the crime. Most of the time the male, no matter what race white, black or others have the same excuse, like why there spouse or girlfriend, always spending there money or that they did something to anger them. While the female is Usually the victim,USUALLY, so the view on her is why she always getting beat down from there spouse or boyfriend, when she just confronted him about something. This comes to mine what is what. The male humans usually have a short temper and her "opinion" does not compensate his opinion so she gets beaten by the male counterpart. So the violent is between two people with deferent view, and the malewhich has more strength,usually, act violent (like U.S.).

So basically world conflict is based on opinion. I believe this because if you look at the relations between the conflict of all three Idea, it does come together. It's simple elementary skills. Even back in the school playground 2 different view enRAB in violence. Violence such as opinion of two boys, which one opinion is
about he should go first down the slide because he was next, and such of another like the schoolyard bullie who he believe he should go next because he is the big bad tuff guy(like U.S.). Almost all conflict,in my opinion, is based on this idea. Of that two opinion may turn in to conflict, if not world conflict.