I know that stress fractures in the foot and lower leg are not only possible but common; however, I am wondering if they are possible in the arm. Over the past month and a half I have started working out 6 days a week and lifting (relatively vigorously) every other day. This is something that I did very rarely over my 4 years in college so it's a bit new to my system. Over the past week or so I have felt a dull but strong pain near the middle of my left forearm (non-dominant side of my body). Since the pain is essentially on the bone (or close to on the bone), I am figuring that it's a stress fracture rather than an actual muscle issue. The problem is that I don't know if this is possible. I haven't bumped my arm on anything lately so I'm positive that it's for working out. I'd prefer to not need a doctor visit if possible but am unsure if I should take a week off and focus on cardio to allow my arm some time, or if I should check in with a doctor.

For what it's worth, the location is about 1/4 of the way up my arm (for scale: from my wrist to my elbow) and located on the outside of the bone. (Hold your arm straight out in front of you and the location is on the left side of the arm)
The pain is only really present during lifts (like bicep curls) and when i touch the area of my arm (such a resting the arm on my knee while sitting on the floor)