BELLEFONTE, Pa.—The sexual-abuse trial of former Pennsylvania State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky headed into its third day on Wednesday in Centre County Court.
Mr. Sandusky, 68 years old, who is charged with sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years, has denied that any sexual activity occurred and has pleaded not guilty to 52 criminal counts.
Prosecutors are expected to call a third alleged victim in the case and the father of Mike McQueary, a Penn State assistant coach currently on leave. Mr. McQueary testified Tuesday that he saw Mr. Sandusky in a shower pressing his body against the back of a boy about 10 years old in February 2001. Mr. McQueary said he thought he witnessed anal sex but that he didn't use graphic sexual terms when he informed his father and a family friend later that night.
"I didn't feel comfortable using those terms with those men out of respect and my own embarrassment," he said.
Mr. Sandusky's attorneys, Joe Amendola and Karl Rominger, are expected to get another chance to try to raise questions about Mr. McQueary's differing versions of what he saw when they cross-examine his father. Mr. Amendola has argued that the alleged victims had a financial motive to make false claims.
Also on Tuesday, two prosecution witnesses gave detailed accounts of Mr. Sandusky's alleged sexual encounters with boys, in testimony that was by turns tear-filled and contentious.
Joseph McGettigan, senior deputy attorney general, questioned an 18-year-old about abuse that allegedly occurred after Mr. Sandusky befriended him at the Second Mile youth charity the former coach founded.
The witness, who has been referred to as Victim 1, said he slept in the Sanduskys' basement more than 100 times starting when he was 11 or 12. He cried as he described touching that allegedly led to at least 25 instances of oral sex when Mr. Sandusky put him to bed.
"At first it was he would kiss me on the forehead good night. And then it came to him kissing me on the cheek and rubbing my back and pulling [me] on top of him and cracking my back," the young man said. He said that when Mr. Sandusky guided him to engage in oral sex the first time, "I froze. My mind was telling me not to do it. I couldn't do it. I couldn't move."
Mr. Amendola suggested his client had been generous to the witness, who had never known his father, giving him a set of golf clubs as well as clothes to wear to church with the Sanduskys. Mr. Amendola pushed the witness on what Mr. Amendola said were discrepancies in accounts he gave previously to a grand jury, a case worker at a county agency for children and youth services, and state police.
The witness was a high-school freshman when his mother filed a complaint against Mr. Sandusky in the fall of 2008. The complaint led to the state attorney general's investigation and to the charges brought late last year that Mr. Sandusky abused 10 boys over a 15-year period starting in 1994.
Wes Oliver, a professor at Widener Law school in Harrisburg, Pa., who watched the trial, said Tuesday was a strong day for the prosecution. "McQueary was a slam dunk," he said.
Write to Kris Maher at [email protected]