Linksys WRT54G2 Wireless Router? I'm trying to setup my parent's Wireless internet and I'm having serious issues. I can't seem to get the Siemens Modem and the Wireless router to play nicely together. They have AT&T DSL service, but my Father purchased the modem at a retail store. The internet works just fine when hardlined into the PC directly. However when I attempt to wire everything through the Wireless Router, it's a no go.

I went through the Linksys Router Setup today (I've setup a FEW of these before with success) and the setup went over pretty smoothly. It recognized the router and everything was going alright...except that I couldn't get to any websites on the connection locally.

I called Linksys customer support which had me jump through several different hoops but we ultimately came to the conclusion that the issue was either on the Modem or ISP side. Basically the Modem wasn't recognizing the router (if I remember the support tech correctly). She mentioned that I should call AT&T to see if they could bridge the connection (again, if I remember correctly) somehow to allow the router to be recognized and work properly.

I'm trying to get ahold of AT&T about the issue but I fear they might not be able to help since my parents didn't purchase the modem through them. Any attempts to even get ahold of a Siemens customer supprt rep have failed (I called about 5 different numbers until I came to a number that didn't work...awesome).

I thought I'd come on here and ask to see if anyone knew off the top of their heads what might be my issue. I've done a little research on the internet about the problem and I've found a few resources but everyone seems to have 10 different opinions of how to actually fix it. I thought maybe if I laid out my details specifically I could get an answer more catered to my needs.

If you need any additional details from me to help find an answer please let me know!

Thanks in advance!
