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  1. #1
    Hailz's Avatar

    How can i stop my puppy from whining when i leave?

    My puppy is 9 weeks old and when ever we leave the house he cries constantly. we only leave for school and any other time i take him with me. i need tips on how to keep him from whining. He also whines when we leave a room with out him. Please help!

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  2. #2
    Stephanie G
    Stephanie G's Avatar
    get another dog mabey a stufed animal will work or you could get a dog walker or take him to doggie day camp and he would get to learn and meet ather dogs

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  3. #3
    hellosunshine_hb's Avatar
    Seperation anxiety... flattering for humans, but not good for dogs. He needs to learn that he can still have fun when you are not around. Don't nurture his fears by saying "good boy, its okay" when he cries, you need to ignore him. Leave him "surprises" in his space, for him to find when you're gone, by hiding treats and other goodies in his toys. Make sure he's got lots of balls and chew toys to play with too.

    9 weeks is pretty young, to be left home all day. Can you (or someone else) get home on the lunch break to let the pup out to relieve himself and get some exercise (a short walk?). That's what I still do with my pup, and he's 16 weeks. A good walk in the morning, and one at lunch time, will wear him out so he'll sleep a lot of the time that you're gone.

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  4. #4
    dark wite of the undead skeloton
    dark wite of the undead skeloton's Avatar
    aw cute little puppy needs snaks when you leave
    me dark wite of the undead skeloton any jerks i'll deal w\

    any body got a question for me post it on yahoo answers

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  5. #5
    eyelash02's Avatar
    he's just a baby - and a very social animal.
    but i used to leave a ticking clock - wit my pup
    or even turn a radio on.
    the voice - and constant talking and sound should help some...

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  6. #6
    Jasmine Goindi
    Jasmine Goindi's Avatar
    Kick it out and get a new one. I did that. it was better!

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  7. #7
    MonkeyGal's Avatar
    try leaving a radeo or tv on so that he will think there is someone home. my grandma does that with her cats and dog.

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  8. #8
    decbaby8303's Avatar
    well when your at home he should stay with you at all times, just to hopefully prevent accidents. otherwise, when you leave, just make sure you put him in his crate, don't say anything to him, don't make eye contact and then leave. he'll get over it eventually. my puppy did it for a while, over time they calm down, once they realize you come back everytime. it will be ok.

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  9. #9
    orrFius's Avatar
    Puppy's need tons of attention, but here are some things to keep in mind:

    Establish a rountine when you leave (just like when you put a baby to bed), so they get used to the ritual. I always make my dog do a few things, like: get in your bed, sit, stay, and put a biscuit in front of her, and then say "ok" right as we leave, so she goes after the dog bone.

    Whatever your routine is, keep it consistant, and you will find your dog's whining will decrease after a few days, and after a week-should be mostly if not all...gone.

    Note: As you have a puppy, you also might want to consider crate training to help him with his house breaking, too.

    Good luck!

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  10. #10
    Penny's Avatar
    toys, radio, ticking clock, blanket to snuggle in, a stuffed animal to snuggle up to, and more check ins to make sure he's OK. He's just been taken from a group and put by himself. He's confused, misses Mom and litter mates and doesn't understand - just like any baby. That's what he is - a baby.
    Don't make a big deal out of it when you leave - that just increases the anxiety, and when you are home... pop in and out in shorter intervals so he gets more used to it. AND give him alot of love attention and playtime for socialization!

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