Main Description
I like the LG Banter but I want to get the best out of getting a new phone. I'm with Alltel. Anyway, what's the best for texting? It must have a keyboard built in it. Price is kind of a problem too. I might be able to get away with $100...If it's a Alltel Touch Phone + Keyboard...That would be awesome.

Additional Question
I had a phone a while back but I broke it. So my plan creator said my part of the plan was "Suspended." If I get a new phone does Alltel simply "un-suspend" my phone & move my plan to my new phone?

Please post a pic & information about the phone. A place I can buy it would be nice too. A place I can buy it WITHOUT A PLAN...

I'm kinda new to the whole phone world, so take it easy on me. Thanks!