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  1. #1
    slivnot's Avatar
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    Whats wrong with me? Can someone help please?

    Amanda06 - Im calmer now due to meditation and breathing techniques but i still see no changes. Although when im out i haves some sort of paranoia/social phobia im scared what everyone thinks of me, im always looking if girls are looking at me to affirm to myself that i still have my looks and can still get a gf, so im always on edge and nervous when i girl walks past, and if she looks past me it gets me down...but surely thats not the root of my health problems

    jill60 - i have had blood tests done that looks for a thyroid problem but all the tests came back okay, the doc is giving me a ultrasound soon as he is baffled aswell. i was taking oxytetracyline and i have been on loads of supplements sine the age of 18, like fish oil, cod liver oil, vit b12, vit c, zinc, primrose oil, flaxseed oil, acidophilius etc... but ive stopped them now to see if there are any changes

    Thanx for the suggestions you guys, it makes me feel a little better that people are helping

  2. #2
    Hoshi's Avatar
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    Whats wrong with me? Can someone help please?

    I strongly suggest to find a GOOD and competent psychiatrist as reading more in your responses/posts. I strongly feel that you have mental issues that sounds not 'milder form,' more likely you may have been sufferring from two different mental issues, ... one for 'Major Depression.' that causing depression, anxiety, aggression and paronoia thoughts stated, above. The other might be 'social phobia' as seeing that you're very shy to girls around you, but depression also causing this, ... it's hard to tell, to be honest.

    Unfortunately, if there are two different kinds of mental issues, it takes quite awhile to diagnose properly that you've been already mentioning all of your responses. It's good to know at least meds. you've been on somehow helping on this respect, ... but NOT enough for you to feel better. You may need some stronger meds. which is quite expensive. Are you living in foreign country, ... not USA? Meds rx. might all depend on which country you're in.

    As for the meds, most of psych. meds. have adverse effects, such as 'hair loss' 'no sex-drive' and more to list. Then, what you need now is to find a reputable and expert psychiatrist by asking University Hospital and the like.

    Most of regular/ordinary psychiatrists are dealing with simple, non-complex mental disorders, such as 'depression,' 'anxiety' and all other simplest form of mental issues, along with med. rx.

    That said, .... you also need a good and non-critical supports from the family and friends you have. Unlike physical illnesses, most of healthy folks do not understand what you are going through since at age 14 that is LONG time for you to sufferr, seeing that you're in prime-age enjoying life like any young folks at your age.

    Furthermore, I, too agree that you should NEVER take any supplements including fish-oil and others without dr's instruction. Because, it could lead un-wanted interactions among those meds. and other supplements.

  3. #3
    U.S.Hottie's Avatar
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    Whats wrong with me? Can someone help please?

    Amanda thanx for the advice but i do not have enough money for a psychiatrist but i will take the major depression and social phobia into mind. i have been using self help techniques and i do feel much much better but still seem to feel these symptoms, so i strongly think its something physical, not mental but again i will bear your advice in mind when i chat to the doc.

  4. #4
    Nikole Chan's Avatar
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    Whats wrong with me? Can someone help please?


    You must go to an endocrinologist and get checked. And, you could have a growth on the thyroid and not know it. ULtrasound will show it.

    My nodule was found by accident. Since it has been removed, I am effortlessly losing weight and my allergies are gone. yes, gone.

    I am a little more tired during the day tho.

    I won't find out until a blood test if I need thyroid meds. But frankly what you are describing could be thyroid problems and/or menopause if you are a woman.

    Early menopause CAN happen.

  5. #5
    chelschubz's Avatar
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    Whats wrong with me? Can someone help please?

    Amanda - i have spoken to the doc and she said that my problems could be due to depression so she booked me in for cognitive behavioural therapy

    golfhat - the doc has booked me in for an ultrasound but that's taking ages to come through, i have had 3 blood tests so far and another one coming on the way so im not sure about the thyroid meds but thanx for the tip...how did they get rid of your nodule...did it hurt? (oh and im a male btw so i dont think its menopause)

    thanx for the replies and thanx for reading this, anyone who has tips feel free to comment



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