I am looking for this song about an abused woman escaping her abuser. All I remember are the words Independence Day on Lincoln Avenue and it is not the song by Martina McBride. This is from as far back as at least 1995. I am asking here because it seems to me that people into philosophy are also often into lyrics and meanings. After three days on the music forum I have gotten no where.
Hey Mike I do appreciate the effort but don't confuse the fact that you couldn't find it with my having misremembered it. I ran into an old friend the other day that I hadn't seen since about 1995 and we were talking about that song and how it gave her the strength to leave her husband while at that time coincidentally, I lived on Lincoln Avenue. We both remember the details of her leaving her husband and staying in a motel with my wife for a while, until she could get out of town safely. The song is real and our memories are accurate.