donations from lobbyists? Can they minimize the damage from the millions of independents fleeing the corrupt Democratic party by garnering huge donations from Wall Street special interests?:

Was pretending to send the SEC to go after Goldman-Sachs a good way to distract the electorate from the $1 million that Goldman-Sachs paid to send Obama to the White House?

Does Obama think the electorate forgot about Dodd's sweetheart mortgage?

Do middle class parents have any chance against the Obama-machine? Is it enough that they are already upset that Obama has passed a polarizingly partisan healthcare bill that grants a federal takeover of their healthcare by running every private insurance company out of business in 12 years?
jamesmom - it is being discussed in public every single day. Republicans joined a bipartisan consensus to block a cloture vote.

Democratic majority leader Harry Reid has even joined Republicans to vote against cloture.
Jamesmom - You don't make any sense. Republican Senators have nothing to do with this bill. They have no interest in discussing it because it is a horrible payoff to the Democratic party's special interests.

If you want to hear from them---than you should be happy that they voted NO since that will actually allow a discussion on this bill.....otherwise Obama would just RAM IT THROUGH on a party-line vote, like healthcare!!!!