Honestly, it scares the **** out of me. I mean, the number of people that will be homeless, from all of the foreclosures that will result from Republicans doing what they are claiming they will do, in addition to our already weak economy. I just don't see us getting through this without some kind of serious uprising from the people. We need a a REAL grassroots uprising. We need INTELLIGENT people to stand up, and take leadership roles, instead of always leaving them to idiots who mess things up. What the **** are college professors doing (other than those that specifically majored in politics)? Why are they letting this country just fall apart right in front of their eyes? I don't get it. EVERY SINGLE government position should be filled by a scientist or engineer who KNOWS how to think RATIONALLY and SCIENTIFICALLY. Instead we have, what? Maybe 1% at most??? What the **** is that about??? Why are college professors screwing our country by avoiding leadership roles??? It's an embarrassment to our free country that intelligent people cannot get into leadership positions in the government.
Edit: one "a" before "REAL"