ok so i've been tot he docs abiout this before.
he took xrays on my back, my lower back has a crooked disc.
anyways, i have weird ass headaches, like pressure points in my head when i bend a certain way. i can bend over and it feels like if i don't sit up, my head will explode in a certain point.
and recently, my neck has ached a lot, and something to do with my headaches i think. hmm. anyways, randomly i taste blood but do not see blood. it makes me think i am having a brain bleed. i am a hypochondriac so anytime i feel not normal, i think it's worse case.
i've told atleast 5 docs this, they've looked in my eyes, told me it's all nothing to be concerned about. especially since the headaches do not last more than 5 minutes.
but today something scary happened .. i was walking to work and randomly i looked up and felt rlly dizzy and like rlly weird so if i didn't breathe or move i would of fainted, like rlly weak & dizzy all of a sudden. and my eyes watered. i just flinched kinda and took a deep breath and i was fine. continued on to work and have been ok since. maybe a headrush ? i'm not sure. also sometimes i will stretch or something or just simply stand up, and it almost feels like water moving in my head. like how it feels when you have swam for a bit and have water in your ears, but in my head. at the top left .. it's rlly weird.
anyways, is this normal .. ?
could it be my sinuses ?
i have a stuffed nose almost all year round .. or atleast runny, or something. my nose is never clear.
i have been to doctors, they all say i'm crazy for thinking it's a brain tumor, anuerism, etc. but any other opinions ?
also, i crack my neck. because it feels relief. to my head, and my neck.
i'm also in poor shape. i eat semi ok, and i excersize sometimes, but i am overweight. i binge though. healthy eating and exercizing, then being lazy and junk food. on and off.