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  1. #1
    Spunky's Avatar
    Newbie - NLP

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    Aug 2009

    virgos! why you so controlling? (rant)?

    You guys are like always right, you want things to be perfect, you have these rules about what's classy or what's right, or how people are wrong. I live with a virgo mother, a virgo sister, and two virgo close friends. Oh and my virgo godmother and virgo aunt too, who's always over. And they seem to enjoy criticizing my life, telling me what I should do and not do, reminding me about plans we make like weeks ahead. It's so f*cking annoying, and so tiring--I mean I love my virgos and all, but COME ON-- let me do my thing the way I do. Let me dress how I wanna and LET me be into the kind of hings that I like. Okay?

    Why can't you guys learn to BACK OFF. No wonder, you guys are always stressed out and having headaches. Jeez.
    @yyyyywhiz--shut the phuck up! what are you EVEN saying?
    @suzome....I know how to handles virgos quite well thank you. As I mentioned above--this is rant. But you being a virgo, you feel the need to fix things and try to get your point across . I don't need advice, I am 22---I have been handling my mother, family and friends very well for the past years...I love my mother actually--she's my best friend, I love my best friends, my sister--who I tell everything, and I care about my godmother and aunt. I'm just bluntly stating that you guys can be annoying as heck....that's all. Does not mean there is a problem or that I need to help to change this. It can't be changed. And I accept that. That's what love is all about. You take the people you love as they are, and you virgos--can be a pain in the ass. Just really controlling....

    I'm a scorpio sun with an aries moon, so naturally--I say it like it is. People just gonna have accept that....and I really didn't mean to hurt you, just a little thing I wanna get off
    @gemini, i don't think you know a virgo very well. Virgos are some of the most laid back people ever. That's why I'm close friends with two of them. We connect easily. But as they have been a part of my life for over ten years---they try to wanna help me out with everything and make sure everything is cool, thus--they have this controlling way to them. I honestly don't think you know a virgo very well--or since you're a gemini--you don't see things the way they really are, as scorpios--and other water signs and fire signs----can see easily.

  2. #2
    flash84's Avatar
    Probation Member

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    May 2012
    Yeah soooo.....

  3. #3
    Nixonland's Avatar
    Newbie - NLP

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    Jul 2012
    Mfw you're actually taking this Zodiac thing so far you're hating on others.



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