PLZ HELP ME!!!! Me & this guy have known each other since we where kids (he is my aunties husband’s nephew, but where not blood related in anyway). We never really talked until I started going to his church. We become good friends & I noticed that he started acting strange around me, like he would treat me a little more different to the other woman at church & he is friendly to me because he always hugs me when we say hello to each other and he always leans in for a kiss on the cheek. And he even told my cousin that I make him feel “sinful” even though I have never said anything bad to him. I am a virgin and Im a good girl & he is a virgin also and we use to hang out together after church with some other friends. He even tried to pay for me and my sister’s lunch but I didn’t let him because I didn’t want the other woman to get jealous.

I even went away overseas for 3months and I got him a gift and he loved it even though he never looked at it and he said that he didn’t have fun while I was away. He than went on a holiday for 3 weeks and when he came back I spoke to him on facebook and he was really friendly even though he was tried from his trip. Than the next day when I was at church the pastor was talking about having a Godly relationship and how being friends with the opposite sex would only lead to other things and how we should be careful and not just think that men and woman can be friends and that facebook was not a good way to be talking with woman beacuse it only leads to other things?? it was really out there and after church was over I came up to him and he was around some other younger boys and I went to say hello and to welcome him back. But he look really weird and uncomfortable and a little awaked around me. he still hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek but it was just weird and he never talks with me on facebook I always have to start the chat 1st so what is up with him I can’t ask him but does he hate me or like me? what is wrong? Please help me!!!