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  1. #1
    Zoey27's Avatar

    I just dont know anymore

    Hey everyone. I have had many tests done in the past 3 years of being ill nobody has found anything serious or to diagnose me with. All I hear is it is anxiety or it could be this and that.
    First of all I have had sooo many symptoms I wont get into but the past few months this is what I am dealing with.
    I go weaks where I am shallow breathing or WHen I am talking or breath in I do a wierd thing it kind of is like a silent hiccup or a quick gasp reflex that I dont always control it just comes out of no where. I had chest xrays 6 months ago. It goes away for weeks but then comes back.
    second is I have no appetite or just feel kind of nauseous but the main one is weakness. I have days and days where I feel like the life has been sucked out of me and even showering is hard. I feel so weak and fuzzy headed. my whole body feels like I am 90. Today is one of those days I had maybe 1 hour where I felt it was gone but then the weakness came back. I am having no panic attacks or anything I just feel horrible. THis has been going on for a long time. There were a few months that it was gone and I just had other issues but now it is back and comes every few days and i just cant function. I am sick of running to my doc for them to have no diagnosis so I have not been in a month or 2 . I basically just sit at home and ride it out and cry. I wake up still tired and I am scared to exercise or do anything, i just dont know anymore. Is my brain causing this to make my body feel and think it is ill for days or what. I just dont see how this can be all anxiety. I am sick of dealing with it and trying to be a mom to my young children.

  2. #2
    Hanshin's Avatar

    I just dont know anymore

    Hi Zoey. Sorry to hear about your situation. I know how difficult it can be when you feel that there is something wrong with you and all these tests come back with nothing. I'm no doctor, but as a person who has suffered from anxiety most of his life, and depression for moments in his life I can tell you that this sounRAB like it might be anxiety, but possibly more like depression. Now for me, the past week was terrible because I was putting up with an ear infection that maxed out my anxiety and, in conjunction with the medication the doctor prescribed me (anti-depressants, steroiRAB to name some) I went into a full blown anxiety and depression. I did not want to get out of bed, I didn't eat a whole mean for 4 days (only ate about 3 bowls of soup in those days.) I hardly slept, I was completely incapacitated, exhausted, and scared out of my wits. If I were you and the doctors can't find anything that explains your symptoms (which as much as they think are all in your head, WE know they are real and have real consequences) you should talk to a therapist. Maybe they can help you get to the possible root of your symptoms. I know this might not seem like the right option, but our minRAB are very powerful things. They can physically make us weak and ill and all the while we are "healthy". Just hang in there (which I know is easier said than done) but you will get past this, you just need to find the right people to help you.



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