This is my problem. I've been TTC religiously for 18 months with no luck. I don't have regular cycles...I am slightly I went to the fertility specialist and got blood tests.

They came back with these levels:

Glucose: 104
Insulin: 45
TSH: 1.96
Prolactin: 12.5

Please keep in mind that I did do a FASTING I didn't eat at least 8 hours before my tests.

The doc said that I have PCOS and put me on Metformin.

This is my problem, I don't understand what would be normal levels for these things and exactly what they mean. She said that my glucose is high and that it looks to her like I am at high risk for diabetes and that's why she put me on metformin. She also said that I show all the signs of PCOS and she is diagnosing it. (there was no ultrasound and the only think I don't know is my testosterone level and I don't have the abnormal hair growth.)

Does this make sense to you? Would you say that I meet the criteria and that she gave me the right meds to help me? I'm not exactly sure about the glucose or insulin levels and I have no idea what prolactin is, what it does, and what it a normal level. If it matters, I'm 23.