I know what some of you are thinking -- "use a laptop" or "get a type writer". No, just hear me out on what I want exactly. I want a device that I could use to type up stories, documents, and notes during class that isn't a computer or pad(such as Andriod pad or iPad-like products). I want to just be able to whip out said machine, type what I want and be able to edit it, and possibly save it on a flashdrive. I want to be able to type my stories on the go on something that has something like a computer keyboard and a fair-sized screen, but without the hassle of having to pull out my computer, open up word, and then have to put it away if I have to move(IE if I was on the bus or something). Basically, I want a document-editing machine, or something like that. If there is such a thing, please give me a link and price. It doesn't matter how expensive it is... Well, it does, but I want to see what the price is to see if I can work with it.
