me and my guy friend (both 15) were friends for a while tell he told me he liked me but then like 3 days later he was dating his ex again then liked me then his ex then me then his ex again. after a while i got him to tell the truth he was hiding that he never really liked me that much and broke my heart! then he told me he was in love with my best friend after one day of hanging out with her at my new years eve party! everytime i'm almost over something he does to me he brings it up and makes me upset again and makes it worse! hes a great friend so i don't want to lose him as a friend and don't get me wrong he is a nice guy hes not really a playa. but i really need to get passed this cause now all we do is fight and my friend feels like its her fault even tho its not! so really i need tips on moving on. no guys show any interest in me and there is no guy i find worthy of dating. hobbies? tips? anything you have to help me is appreciated
i don't really have many friends at my school :\ they all moved or transferred