During the Angle-Reid debates, Angle took a some swipes at Harry Reid living in an upscale condo on more than one occasion.

First of all, Reid was a successful lawyer prior to becoming a Senator. And Senator's make good money as well. And get various other benefits from the government.

So I'm not sure where Sharron "Privatize The VA" Angle expects United States Senators to live. In the projects? In a squat house behind the auto-shop in the hood? Maybe Angle will ridicule Obama for living in the White House.

Isn't it interesting that Conservatives are constantly defending "capitalism", the rich, and "the free market" - but will be quick to ridicule a Democrat or Liberal that has accumulated wealth through capitalism?
Carmilla: Do you have ONE quote where Harry Reid slammed capitalism? Or are you just making this up? Name one prominent Democrat politician that slammed capitalism.

Democrats, however, have asked the rich to pay more in taxes (because it will reduce the deficit). You Cons just interpret that as "slamming capitalism". Democrats have pushed for Universal Health Care so that everyone can be covered - you Cons interpret that as "slamming capitalism". You forget that people like Reid & Obama have said they're willing to pay more taxes (as those tax hikes will effect them), so they're not being hypocritical.

It's not. I believe in things like Universal Health Care, Social Security, and tax increases on the wealthiest 2% - yet at the same time I own private property with businesses on it that earn me a source of monthly income. I'm a capitalist. I'm also a liberal. I believe in social programs that will benefit society, along with government regulations on corporations.
Megan: Do you know what the definition of "benefit" is? That means that you get it for free.

I was in the military not long ago - my health care and housing was free. That's a benefit. Food was free.

Secondly, I never said "government jobs" pay well. Most don't. However, high-ranking government jobs like a Senator pay decently well (making what a Dr. or Lawyer makes, or more).

And finally, you made a lot of accusations, accusing Reid of being some kind of money swindler - but failed to provide any evidence or proof. You simply want to believe he's doing something shady out of desperation.