I use CSS (well learning anyway) but at work we use a content management system and we can't get access to the main headers on each page, so I can't employ style sheets. Instead I have to rely on old school HTML to make changes to the code and page.

I want to change one of the hyperlinks on a page to a different colour which underlines when you mouseover. The different colour and underline on mouseover I can work out and here it is:

<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk" style="text-decoration:none;" onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration ='underline';"onmouseout="this.style.textDecoratio n='none';"><font color="#009900">This Link</font></a>

However, when you mouseover, the underline is red instead of green as I want it to be.

Is it possible in basic HTML to change the colour of the hyperlink, have it underline on mouseover AND have the underline be green also instead of red?

If so, how do I amend the code above to make the underline also green instead of red?