...of James Peter or John? It seems there was more than a little disputation among top apostles and Paul.
It seems even when 11 became a new 12 again, they were still a dirty dozen.
It seems Peter kept dissimulating at Antioch where they were called Christians.
It seems epistle James sent to settle an Antioch dispute was leavened with law.
It seems even the Jews were glad when Herod killed James, and also jailed Peter.
It seems John could have been the one who bewitched the churches of Galatia.
It seems Paul had to eventually be an apostle to both Jews and Gentiles: Romans.
It seems popish Peter's conversion was due to reading all of the epistles of Paul.
Details of such seem to be scattered throughout Acts of Apostles and the Epistles.
If so, then why do the mainline churches neither see it, nor bring ever forth this issue?