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  1. #1
    sunstorm's Avatar

    I dont get this joke.. someone explain?

    a blonde gets pulled over by a policeman for speeding he says to her
    police man #1: can i see your license and proof of registration?
    blonde: oh, i'm sorry, i don't have a license.
    police man #1: why don't you?
    blonde: well, i just never really thought it was that important, so i never got one.
    police man #1: well can i see the proof of registration?
    blonde: i'm sorry, i don't have that either. this is my neighbor's car.
    police man #1: did he give you permission to borrow it?
    blonde: no sir, he didn't.
    police man #1: then how did you get it from him?
    blonde: i hit him over the head with a metal shovel, stuffed the body in the trunk, then drove off.
    police man #1: ma'am, i'm gonna have to call for backup. *police man #1 calls, and police man #2 arrives*
    police man #2: ma'am, may i see your license and proof of registration?
    blonde: yes sir. *shows both to the police man.
    police man #2: my partner says you have a dead body in your trunk. may i check?
    blonde: of course. *he checks. there's nothing there.*
    police man #2: my parnter says that you didn't have a license and stole this car from your neighbor after you killed him.
    blonde: did he? i bet he also told you i was speeding.

  2. #2
    Harajuku Music ^__^
    Harajuku Music ^__^'s Avatar
    Lol. My teacher told me this joke a few years ago.

    It means that the blonde was speeding and a policeman pulled her over. Not wanting to get a ticket, she makes up all of this stuff that she says she did. The policeman tells another policeman and they check all that stuff and it's not there. Then she's like "I bet that stupid guy said I was speeding too!"

    Pretty smart blonde.

    In other words, she made all this stuff up after speeding and the police told another police and none of it was true and so the other police didn't believe the speeding either.

  3. #3
    Ana Licon I
    Ana Licon I's Avatar
    welll.... blonds are blonds.... not to offend but blonds can be a little dumb....
    it is not a good joke... don't try to understand stupidity.
    remember Forrest Gump: "stupid is as stupid does"
    good luck, darling.

  4. #4
    Sophie W
    Sophie W's Avatar
    It is not that funny!

  5. #5
    Mrs.Lautner's Avatar
    ahahaha that's funny! lol she told the man that she didn't have a license and all that about killing a man to make him look crazy! Cuz she was speeding you know...and didn't want to be caught..hahahaha

  6. #6
    ivor's Avatar
    I'M GUESSING she is trying to make police number seem retarded

  7. #7
    Poisoned Honey
    Poisoned Honey's Avatar
    She made up an elaborate lie to get out of the ticket and make the first officer look like a liar.

  8. #8
    zoologistgirl's Avatar
    I'm just as confused as u r!

  9. #9
    WannaFuzz! :D
    WannaFuzz! :D's Avatar
    she said that to get out of a speed ticket(: lmfao



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