So I have been wondering lately if I'm just a freak or have an actual problem because when my mind notices I'm not worrying about something I swear it makes something up or makes a reallly little deal a huge one.

Like lately I' been worrying back in forth--when I'm done worrying about the other, the other worry comes back. And both of them are things I know aren't true and are either the way I feel about something or they way I think about something. And the way I think about something and feel I know are both not really what I feel but I can't stop thinking it! I can sometimes if I just try hard to ignore it but I just wonder if it's some weird OCD thing or something. If anyone has any ideas that'd be grand. Thanks if you read this!
I am a 17 year old girl who does a lot with her family and I have lots of livestock so I'm always doing things with them.