I am now going threw a break up. my ex keeps on breaking up with me we been going out off and on for the past two years.(all of them he broken up with me) i am trying to keep my self busy. I have gone on and on asking my self what did i do wrong. I tried not to be whiny and tryed to be low mantence. He said that if we didn't break up we would fight all the time. and he said that i was just using him as confert, and that he did horrible things to me that no guy in a realtion ship should do (not physical abuse may be mental) He put me down a lot. and said he only got back together with me cause he couldn't bare to see me so upset and i was apparently killing my self (i wasn't) that i needed to get help ( which i already was and was and doing well) I am excelling at life right now but i still at night miss stupid things about him like his laugh, i love his laugh, and his attention on me, he hands, he had beautiful hands, his kisses on the forhead, he was funny, he was a spark to life for me, on my worse days he could make me smile. i tried so hard to be good to him . but these amazing memories keep on playing in my head over and over again. Why? i am doing fine with out him, yet i miss him , him his self. Does he like me? i don't even know where in this realtion ship we are but i don't feel like i can call him or any thing i feel hopeless i am trying so hard to do every thing i can for my self yet i really really want him!!! do i love him deeply or am i using him cuz i feel safe with him?