sent to them back to me? I have multiple clients that use Macs and I use Windows with Outlook 2007. When they send me attachments there is always one extra .html attachment for every attachment they send. This also happens to all zip files they send . If there are 100 files in a zip file, each one is duplicated to make it 200 files instead because there are extra useless files added to the zip file.

Even more annoying is when I send a client an email with 5 big attachments and they send me a short reply, their reply has the attachments I sent to them. I can't delete their email to me since it is important, and I can't delete the attachments from their email. Instead if a simple lightweight email I am saving an email that is 50Mb in size.

Are there Mac email settings that will fix these issues? It is killing my backups.

Thanks for your ideas.