Heres the deal no smart comments plz. Serious question.Heres the story in march me and my current fiance broke up we were bf n gf then. Then april i talked to this guy he had got kicked out his house bc he lost his job n couldnt pay rent so i let him stay at my apt. bc he was payin rent n half of food cost. but then round april 12th ish in the middle of the night he forced sex upon me. and then threatened if i told he'd hurt me. so..i was scared i didnt tell. around the 19th he did it again this time this was horrible i was tramatized n bruised. i broke down in the Er afta a serious bleed following this an told them the truth he then was arrested in jail by the 26th of april now i had a check down an stayed in the hospital 2 days and came out fine. they still tested me for disease and all even though both times he used a condom. now in april i did have a period in the middle and prior to april i hadnt have sex for a yr. in may my period came regular and in june me and my fiance thats when we got back together i had a period 16th to the 20 in june on june 23 me and fiance had sex unprotected and the 25th and the 26th and 28th and yes we were trying for a baby. We made the decision bc we both have good jobs he grads in dec me aug 2011 an through that break we knew we loved each other it dinged on us (on fathers day is when he purposed and said he was ready to be a daddy) now i found out july 13th ish i was pregnant bout 3 days later had an ultrasound u/s said i was 4-5wks bc it was just the sac visable. I just had a doc appt on the 21st doc said im measuring 25wks my due date is march 28th earliest the 26th.... so im tryin to make sure this baby is my fiances bc we so want this n i couldnt deal with it being the other guys who im now pressing charges on its a mess and plus they found meth in his system. I love my fiance and we r finally happy and want a child so much. but i know its eating him bc his parents are convicing him it could be the other guys baby and not his even tho i didnt have sex at all in may and had my periods reg n my first missed period was in july at the begining. they say sperm could of stayed in me from april but i keep telling them im due in march n guy was smart enough to use a condom. So, when did i concieve? this is really a concern!! Help.. plz be nice a honest bc this has been mentally hard and painful.