I get obsessed almost instantly.

When I first read Twilight?
Obsessed for 6 months. I read them over and over again, I talked non stop about it, and I even went as far as to pretend I was Bella (when I was alone, obvi.)

And any other book that I read and liked - it was a repeat of the Twilight affair.

And also, I kind of got obsessed with my sister. Like, I just really missed her after she left for collage and I was always creeping her pics/facebook.

Now I'm obsessed with the Columbine Massacre.
I am not obsessed with the victims - I'm obsessed with the shooters.
Especially Dylan. I read their journal entries...and Dylan's touched me.
I guess it is because I was also bullied and felt like killing myself (not killing other people)
But now Dylan and Columbine cloud my thoughts with EVERYTHING I DO.
I always think, WWDD? (what would dylan do?)
I feel like I could have saved him and everyone at columbine if I'd been older than three and half way across the world.
I miss Dylan. I never knew him, but after reading his journal entries I feel like I do.
I have this weird feeling.
I know I'm about to get crucified on here for thinking this way...but I don't care. Hell, even though I KNOW Dylan & Eric are dead, I go to their fake formspring just to pretend they are alive.

Why am I so obsessed with Columbine?
Why do I get obsessed so easily?
What is this feeling about Columbine/Dylan in the pit of my stomach?
Am I crazy? Am I sick?
What do I do?
I would never kill someone.
I could never do that.