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  1. #1
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    LOL after all the things that have gone on in the world, its Johnny Capps who has finally created a disaster big enough to force the Once and Future King to rise again :lol:

  2. #2
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    Omg Betty yes I saw the Bradley/Katie/Hugo fic :lmao: But in the end it turned out to be pretty sweet :love:

    Yeah Katie will rock the scenes and have fun doing it :nod: That's our girl

    I won't be around much for the next few days, I'm going to Paris to visit my dad's family :wave:

  3. #3
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    The "official" BBC Merlin facebook page added new pics of Colin and Bradley from their photoshoot today. The fact that they keep adding new pics of the boys is starting to convince me that despite all the ridiculous errors they really are the official Merlin facebook :look:

  4. #4
    malaguetta's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    :wave: Hello and Happy Friday -- or almost Saturday for Liza. I love your descriptions of what it looks like is going on in Betty's picspams. Do you think that Arthur will be persuasive enough to get Morgana to come to his chambers for further discussion. :lol:

    Gorgeous picspams, Betty. Thanks so much. :flowers:

    Yes, the passage is from Geoffrey of Monmouth. Merlin has taken Arthur to the Fortunate Isle to be tended by the famed healer Morgan. I'd like to stress that Morgan and Arthur ARE NOT RELATED in Geoffrey. :nono: Thank you. :flower: I also agree with Bo, I bet they were rockin' that golden bed in no time: :evil_lol:


    Neda, I think that's from the Alliterative Morte Arthure. From what I remember of Geoffrey, Morgan thinks that Arthur will make a good recovery if he stays with her.

    :lmao: Arthur is something of the Welsh national hero and has been used for propaganda purposes on and off through history. The interest Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Norman ruling class of his time had in Arthur was that he successful fought the Saxons. A few centuries later the first Tudor king, Henry VII, named his eldest son Arthur, who had he lived, would have ruled as Arthur II. Henry VII was very proud of his Welsh blood. Bo would more likely know more about that than I.

  5. #5
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    Yeah I'm hoping Camelot will take a deeper more humanized approach to the women :nod: (And that will include having ArMor of course ) I have far more faith in Camelot than I do in Johnny Capps, which is a shame because as much as I think Eva Green will be great as Morgan I love the cast of Merlin more. So its as shame their show is a sinking ship :sigh:

    I am so excited for Loli and for ArMor fans to have that bit spotlighted in the video, and you can actually see Katie signing the ArMor pic :yay:

  6. #6
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    Don't really have anything interesting to add, just :bump: I can't wait for Colin's comic-con appearance this weekend. I hope we get something good.

  7. #7
    Nightlife_Eyes's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    can i get one of those cool hats with the tasselly thingys? i'll get started on that speech right now
    "attention awesome people ArMor are so amazingly awesome the science depart has yet to prove an amount of relation that will make me want to stop shipping them, the pychology department wants to study me for that reason but i said no because i don't want them poking around in my head in case the muses escape from said head anyway we all love armor so much including but not limited to Bradley & Katie's portrayals of Arthur Pendragon and Morgana Le Fay, this year has been very awesome BUT there has been a great misjustice in regards to ArMor and the BK chemistry and that horrible misjustice goes by the name of JOHNNY CAPPS! my fellow armor supports grab your torches and pitchforks and follow me to get revenge!"
    that's all i've got so far, what do you think?

  8. #8
    Nightlife_Eyes's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    it'll be like a bat signal moment or something, a phone will buzz or an alarm go off and arthur and morgana will look at each other and be like 'something is wrong' and they get dressed and leave Avalon expecting the apocalypse and be all cautious and stuff and be like 'everything looks ok' so they'll probably look around the world for a bit to find the evilness and then one night they will flick on the tv and see merlin and be all like 'wow merlin is a tv star' (cause isn't he mean to be immortal?) and then they'll watch it and be all WTF? and then they'll go to johnny capps and be all 'hi we're arthur and morgana, you've really ****ed us up, this is wrong, that's not right, what the hell is this, fix that that and that, don't even get us started about that'
    and then it can be a do over of merlin!

  9. #9
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    your brain comes up with very interesting ideas Liza :lmao:

  10. #10
    Neda16's Avatar

    Arthur♥Morgana {ArMor} Lady and Champion │#60│: Because theirs is a furious love

    Yeah I have to say that meeting Katie was pretty much one of the best days of my life :lol: And I'm so happy the other poster got featured

    Maybe that's it, the network people running the facebook page just don't actually know that much about the show. Shame. If you're running the publicity you should probably know about the show :P

    Yeah Camelot has a pretty awesome cast lined up :nod: I'm excited for it I think it was posted below that it was going to air on Starz entertainment or something like that?



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