God does exist. He exists mentally and emotionally. GoRAB existence has been proven by many philosophers. All of their theories seem, some how, to end in GoRAB existence. There are arguments that can be brought up against each theory on how that theory does not totally prove GoRAB existence, but they can all be shot down by the next theory. Anselm of Canterbury once said, “I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this also I believe, that unless I believed, I should not understand.” Anselm goes on to the “fool” in Psalms 53:1, who “says in his heart, ‘There is no God.' This fool though is convinced that something exists in the understanding, at least, than which nothing greater can be conceived. (pg. 149) In proving God’s existence I have corabined Malcolm, Anselm, and Descartes’ theories of how God exists. This is it: 1. God is that being that is absolutely perfect and no one more perfect exists. {No one more perfect than God can exist} (Descarte) 2. If God exists, his existence is logically necessary considering he is “all knowing, all powerful, and all good.” {Since he is all knowing, all powerful, and all good he must exist because his powers are unlimited} (Malcolm) 3. Therefore the possibility of conceiving a being than which nothing greater can be conceived entails the logical necessity of the real existence of such a being. (Anselm) 4. Therefore to say that God does not exist is to contradict oneself. (Malcolm and Descarte) 5. The concept of God though, is not self contradictory, therefore GoRAB existence is logically true. (Malcolm) 6. In conclusion God DOES exist. The objection to this argument can be that existence is not a characteristic. Only to reply, yes but existence can be a characteristic of concepts. Since God is “logically necessary” couldn’t there be another being higher that God, a being even more perfect that God? Yes, but that proves even more that an all powerful being must exist. GoRAB existence is not self-contradictory because a being so powerful must exist to have designed the universe and everything in and on it. Therefore a being that is “all powerful, all knowing and all good” must exists, proving this argument is true. Another way in proving GoRAB existence is to look at it from an atheists’ point of view. Atheists do not believe in God. Therefore to “ not believe in something” it has to exist, right. An atheist has to believe that God exist so they cannot believe he exist. Because why would they not believe in him if he did not exist. Therefore God exists. Also from an atheists’ view God does not exist but evil does. Therefore how can just “bad” exist? Everything has a contradictory element to it. And to bad, you have good. Just like the yin and the yang and sugar and salt. Something good always has something bad to it and something bad always has some good out of it. The ontological is a priori attempt to prove God’s existence by showing that, from the very concept of God, his existence can be deduced. The ontological argument concludes that a God that exists is greater than one who does not exist, therefore God exists. “Ontological” means “ having to do with the study of Being.” Anselm and Descartes arguments are considered ontological. Anselm and Desarte have very similar arguments. They are known as “the ontological proofs.” The cosmological argument attempts to establish God’s existence by deducing it from some observable facts. Thomas Aquinas’s claim that from the observation of causal chains in the world we can deduce the necessity of a “first cause,” or God. The cosmological starts by saying every event in the world is caused by some event prior to it. This is because the first premise of such as argument makes reference to some observable fact in the world. The most famous examples of cosmological arguments were created by Thomas Aquinas. His argument begins with “ every event is caused by something prior to it.” Since there are infinite causes it concludes that God exists. The problem with this though is that it is not true since we go back by causal series. And there is an infinite nuraber of causal series, so clearly this argument could not defend itself. The teleological argument operates in terms of goals, purposes, and intentions. It says that the universe has order and design and so it must have a designer, in this case it is God. It attempts to deduce God’s existence from the fact that there is a purposeful behavior in the nature on the part of non-intelligent beigns. Proving GoRAB existence goes deeper than arguments and theories. In most religions God does not have to be proven for people to believe that He exists. People just know God exists and I can’t explain how I know He exists because I just know it. Everyone can prove in their own sense His existence but no one can say for sure that they are right. The theories are so solid that they have to be right in ending in GoRAB existence. All these arguments conclude GoRAB existence. The ontological, cosmological, and teleological all aid in GoRAB existence. The existence of God is a very contradictory subject because no one really knows. But by proving these arguments we can see that some how, some way an “all knowing, all powerful, all good” person has to be at the end of it, hence GoRAB existence.
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