I was in the Verizon store the week of the release of the iPhone 4G, and while playing with the demo units, I could not get the icons into "Jiggle" mode by pressing and holding them. I was told by the sales rep that this feature is not included in the Verizon version of the iPhone 4G. Is this true? Does anyone out there actually have a Verizon iPhone 4G that can confirm or deny this? I walked out of the store shaking my head, wondering if the demo phones in-store were just locked down a bit, or if they actually removed/disabled this feature in the Verizon version of the phone.

Please, have actual experience with the Verizon iPhone when answering this question - preferably a current owner, or someone who has played enough with them to know the answer.

Also, I don't care as much about the hold-to-Jiggle icon moving mode, as I am with the ability to re-arrange the icons using any built-in interface. Build-in meaning I don't want to buy an app, just so I can rearrange my icons - something I have been able to do with my third generation iPod touch for years.
