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  1. #1
    Chase's Mama's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    Does she have reflux? Most babys with reflux like to be at a incline thats why I ask. If she is happy & swinging then I would let her swing for as long as she wants, theres no harm in it.

  2. #2

    Can a baby use their swing too much? How much should a baby use there swing in a day?

    My 10 week old daughter loves her swing. She started using it a few days ago. It really soothes her and she loves the sounds and the toys on it. My question is it seems she wants to be in the swing more than she wants to do anything else. And that concerns me.

    She probably spends about 4 hours out of the day in the swing (not all at once but just adds up over the times she is in there, its spread out though the day.) We will sometimes sit her in there not in motion after she eats to help with reflux. But she really doesn't need to be in there other than that and occaisionally when she is upset.

    Problem is she almost prefers to be in the swing over being held or napping in her bed. And yes the swing is great for her tummy aches as is the bouncer but its like she likes it too much. Its like the only time she is truely happy is when she is in the swing.
    I just want to spend some time cuddling and rocking my baby but she doesn't seem to want that.

    So is there such thing as spending too much time in the swing? I have come to hate the swing!
    If she doesn't sit upright or inclined for atleast 15-30 minutes after she eats she spews pretty bad. Not has been as bad since she was put on soy, thankfully. We either use the swing or bouncer during that time.
    Alyssas mommy: Problem is when we go to hold her and rock her she throws a fit, she doesn't like to be snuggled and it breaks my heart. She likes to be able to streach and squirm and move. And swaddling she hates that too, I thought babies liked to be swaddled but she fights us every time.
    Chases mama: Yes she does have reflux



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