Happy New Year, since the new year has came i been wanting a new and better me. I'm 19yrs old and i weight around 265. At first i been in denial and thought well theres always people bigger than me, but ive been looking in the mirror n i hate what i see. i decided to go on the 17 day diet plan. ive heard gud things about it, but would it be wise if i'm a freshman in college. i mean i stress out bout skool, but since im stress out i want to eat n ive gain the freshman fifteen, but before I went to college i use to work at mcdonalds n i still hve tht weight. i need to advice because everyday im disgusied with myself n im having chest problems, breathing hard, and my feet are starting to look swollen in need of advice....

p.s. i also thought bout the liquid diet and old fashion dieting.