I have been to see the dermatologist about 3 times and she keeps saying its a reaction to something. First visit she recommended Lamisil cream + salicylic Acid/sulphur ointment. That didn't help so next visit she prescribed a dose of antibiotics and some other cream. It went away for about 2 weeks and then came back. Lastly, she recommended Betamethasone and the salycylic acid which didn't help and over the phone she asked that I stop.

I have dental fillings and caps put in about 3 years ago. In 2010, I was hospitalized for a while due to migrating joint pain and a swelling of my ankle. A team comprising a young GP and 4 specialists from orthopedics, internal diseases etc couldn't give me definite answers to what the problem was. I spent the last 3 years up to June 2011 living right next to a shipyard with all the welding and toxic emissions. Could any of this be a factor?

If anyone with knowledge about this wants, I could send pictures.