I'm 16 and a jr.. there's this girl at school who's caught my eye nobody else has caught my eye since I broke up with my girlfriend of 2 and a half years because she moved away.. anyway this girl is really shy and never talks but there's just something special about her that draws me to her.. And I tried to talk to her but I think I might have scared her away.. I walk up to her in the hallway I say hey can I talk to you for a second I'd really like to get to know you (this was Ina crowded hallway next I teachers) she quickly replys ok well I go to go to class she looked so shocked and caught off guard.. I want to try to talk to her again but I'm honestly unsure .. Could she just be really shy or did I freak her out? or did I intimidate her by being too bold.. should I talk to her again or am I just wasting my time