Ok, this was more than 10 years ago, in 7th grade & outside the US. I was brought up by extremely authoritative parents. Finals were close by, & my mother had a habit of studying with me before finals. Before this Science class final, my mother asked me to bring my Science notebook/register, where I used to take notes. I couldn't find it in my bag. I told my mother I couldn't find it. She was absolutely furious. She started beating me up, & asked me where I kept it. I said I didn't remember. But she didn't stop. I lied, & told her I gave it to this boy in my class. She asked me the name, I told her a name. She dropped me off at school the next morning, & followed me to classroom, & asked that boy to meet her outside the classroom. The boy became uncomfortable, my mother became embarrassed to find out I lied, I felt guilty.