...men who stalk women on sites? Like this one very different.

They select a victim for abuse.

They hunt in packs.

They don't know the difference between normal and abnormal behaviour.

Are they all women haters because they are Muslim or because they know they are inadequate?

Even a Muslim youth worker says he thinks it ischappening in Scotland as well as England.
Is he a racist for saying this?
@@@and guess who turned up to prove me right?
It would be funny if it wasn't so desperate.

And ODD can't you read?

Looks like the BNP were not far-off track.Is that what is bothering you ODD?
What else did they get right?
@@@now ODD you attack the questioner.
The BNP were vilified for telling the truth.
As for your pathetic insults tch tch touchy.
All this getting too close to home.
So thank you and your posse you have proved me right.
Gangs on streets abusing girls and gangs on here doing whatever it is you think you are doing.
As for brain cells get over yourself.
How intelligent is someone who continues to close the stable door now rape gangs have been exposed?