I've been with my girlfriend for nearly 2 years now, we're both in our very early 20's. We both don't plan on having sex until after marriage. She's lived a very sheltered life and was never exposed to anything sexual or even taught about sex at home. Along with that she has a very narcissistic mother who she doesn't have a good relationship with, making her home difficult to live in.

Whenever we're together she is very disinterested in being physical. We don't kiss often, and if there is any kissing it's me doing it. Cuddling and the like we do decently often, but anything too physical or sexual and she becomes very disinterested fast. I've tried to talk to her about this and get her to explore her body and understand herself, knowing that she's never been able to do that. Each time I bring it up she eventually gets tired of it and says that she doesn't ever think about sex. I believe her, but it worries me because I'm a very physical person, while she's more of a verbal person who also likes to do social things, such as sitting and watching a movie together.

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome, but fair warning that if anyone automatically starts saying, "break up", your opinion will be disregarded. I love this girl and I want to work through this, but I know that I need an outside opinion. Thanks!