Hi gang,

I've just re-read Gone With The Wind, which I read at University and haven't touched since. When I read it then, I didn't know anything like what I do now about the Civil War ... but I haven't been able to stop myself from recoiling at some of the language and attitudes towards the slave population. OK, I know it's a book 'of its time' and from a particular perspective, and in principle believe that anything characteristic of its time shouldn't be reverse-engineered or glossed over. There's a huge tension between a thoroughly good read about a crucial time in history and the way that time is described. But I'm curious to know how the book is treated in the USA now - is it issued with the equivalent of a Government Health Warning? Would parents keep it out of reach of their children 'until they're old enough to understand ...?' It's difficult to find the exact words with which to phrase the question, but can anyone say anything about how the book is treated now?