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  1. #1

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    Please let me know if this should be posted elsewhere. I am new to Palms, but otherwise somewhat computer savvy. I have a T5 - my first Palm - and though not a power user, I like it to keep notes, calendar and contacts. Had some problems with one program (a library database) due to the NVFS, but worked around using Documents to Go.

    Current problem: everything going fine, then one day turn on and get dreaded fatal exception. Unable to restore backup - with hard resets, but when I figured out how to do a warm reset I did have all my data back - and able to access calendar etc. However when I hit the Home button to get to "Favorites" and then tap on "Applications" I get the following: Fatal Alert: MemoryMgr.c, Line 3776, Invalid Handle. I get the same message if I tap on the home icon bottom left of the screen. I can get evrything back with a warm reset - but I can't touch the home/ application icons without a freezeup.

    So I figure it might be some software conflict? The only thing I can think of was a program who's free trial expired, and after a hotsync - I started to have this problem. I thought I deleted appropriately - the backup file went to Archive etc.

    Any suggestions on how to check or understand what this error message I am getting refers to?
    Thanks so much,

  2. #2

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    You can delete the "Saved_Preference.prc" file and it should eliminate the problem.

    However, it will also cause you to have to reenter most of your software codes for any "added on" software.

    It should also remap the buttons.

    So what else you can do is to make a copy of it from the backup folder on the hard drive of the pc and then delete it on the handheld - sync and see what happens. If for some reason it doesn't fix the problem you can reinstall the copy you made and your no worse off.

    The home button is usually a launcher issue and so I'd look there - if you were trying any other launchers.

    I've used both Launcher X and ZLauncher on the T5 with no issues on the lastest versions.

  3. #3
    kiks's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    Thanks so much for your reply. I have read your other suggestions to users and have found them helpful. I tried what you suggested - I think I did it correctly - but now I get different fatal alerts - perhaps you could translate them...

    I went to Backup folder and deleted the Saved Preferences file. Then I triggered my usual Palm error by trying to launch applications; did a hard reset and erased all data; then did a hotsync to restore my backup. At the end of hotsync I got a message to tap and restart which I did, and on restart I got plain message" Fatal Exception. So from there I did a "warm" reset - and my data was back, the buttons had been remapped as expected; hitting the "home" button I got my list of favorites which still had my reassignments (I thought they'd be back to standard too); and when I tapped on "Applications" I got a different error: MemoryMgr.c, Line 3846, Invalid Chunk ptr . Tapping the reset did nothing, and I had to do another warm reset.

    The only launcher I have is what I suppose came installed. I have AOL installed for Palm which I haven't used much and has worked fine - and a couple of solitaire games. The only other program was the previously mentioned free trial which expired and though it worked well before expiration - I think the "expire" notice messed me up on a hotsync.

    I'll replace my saved preferences from the hard drive in the backup folder and get back to where I was.
    Any other thoughts?

    Should I get one of the launchers you mentioned to use instead of what appears to not be working on my T5? Or would that perhaps make my problem even worse?

  4. #4

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    I would say go to www.palmgear.com and download the freeware program FileZ.

    It works great on the T5.

    Then using it - ( be certain not to have the ROM option checked) delete a file called Queries as well as the savedpreference file from above - it's a data file that's new to the T5 (as far as I can determine) and it seems to "hang" and cause other problems.

    Deleting the files on the PC will do nothing to the handheld setup - they will simply be restored from the handheld to the PC and you can't delete these files without such a program as FileZ or other utility.

    I've deleted mine a couple of times because it hangs the hot sync as you describe.

    Also, could you be more specific as to what "library database" program you installed that caused the initial problems?

    Also, let the T5 hot sync again - if it fails the first time and don't do the warm reset unless you've had a soft reset fail twice.

    Then report back after deleting the Queries file and lets see if that doesn't fix it.

    You don't need any other launcher the default T5 launcher and Filez makes it easy to see "every file" on the device.

    And if there is a remant of the database file left over - we'll be able to find it and eliminate it with FileZ.

  5. #5

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    I have downloaded and installed filez. But I'm not sure how I'm going to use it since every time I tap applications or try to get to a program list - I get the fatal exception error. I assume I am to use filez on the handheld and not the desktop.

    Thank you for clarifying the desktop vs handheld deletion - I wondered how I was going to make progress if they were syncing with each other - and tried to have desktop override handheld when I deleted the saved preferences file, but no luck.

    The library database is a program called Readerware. It's primarily a desktop program but he developed a palm appliction so you can take your library databases with you when at the library bookstore etc... However it was not designed for the T5 file system and so records became very large and crashed the system. I bought the T5 partly to use this program, but he couldn't figure a way around it at this time. SO I just put my database in a spreadsheet format and have used documents to go to access - and works for my purposes. When I was having the Readerware problems, I hadn't done anything else with the T5, so I did a hard reset, reinstalled desktop etc...I don't think it could be involved with current problem. The other program I was using on trial basis which expired and lost access between hotsyncs - and what I think triggered the problem is called HormonalForcaster - used to track fertility data so we could conceive our next child (it was a success by the way! Due Dec.) I don't feel like I was able to properly delete - but now I can't even get to the area where I can check as I did when I had the Readerware difficulties.....

    Ahhh - long story
    Thank you so much for your help! I am a quick learner, but this is all still very new to me and I apologize for my ignorance/ newbie status. I will be out of town tomorrow, but am looking forward to figuring this out when I get back!

  6. #6

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem


    This is going to be the only way to restore the device to before the library program, since you are having the home button problem:

    1. On the desktop go to C:Program Files\Palm\User\Backup (The user folder could be your name or SR depending upon how it was originally configured -don't worry makes no difference as long as you know it's the backup directory). Make a copy of this backup folder and store it to your desktop.

    2. Delete all of the files in the original backup folder.

    3. Hard Reset the T5. Be certain that the hard reset took to where there is no data in it at all.

    4. Hot Sync - this will restore the PIM data only to the handheld.

    5. You can then proceed to add back in any additional programs from the backup copy on your desktop by simply double clicking on them. Do not restore anything your not certain what it is or what program it belongs to.

    Then you can install Filez onto the handheld and next time an errant program leaves behind a remant that is causing similar problems to you can delete it.

    You may want to try a program called Uninstall for Palm. Unlike the Palm Delete option uninstaller for Palm will keep track of all the programs and their corresponding files so that when you get ready to delete a program or a trial - it clears all of the remants.

    If your not certain about some of the files that can be restored from the copy on your desktop - post back. I should know most of them.

  7. #7

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    Believe me, a hard reset does not bring tears to my eyes - I've done it often enough! And I don't have THAT much on my T5 in the first place....
    On my long drive yesterday I did figure out how to access FileZ by getting to Favorites screen and edit to add FileZ to one of the empty slots...I tested it when I got back home - and it worked, but on starting FileZ, I get :

    External Card

    on the screen - but I don't know how to go from there to delete the files you mentioned before - tapping on the above categories told me how many files were there, but not their names etc...

    Regardless, I will try the last thing you suggested re: the backup and hard reset. I am hoping by PIM data, that means I won't have to re-enter contacts and calendar info???? (please!) - but I can even live with that if I stop getting fatal errors...I'll let you know how it goes.....

  8. #8
    a??? x's Avatar

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    Apr 2011

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    Internal is RAM

    INTERNAL is the builtin SD Card and External would be an SD card in the slot.

    Tap on Internal and then tap on the chevron to expand the selection to where you see all of the files in RAM. You can check the box in the upper right hand corner to see those protected in ROM but I wouldn't worry about those.

  9. #9

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    Moose Man - thank you thank you! I did the hard reset as instructed - all my buttons work now. I will have to reinstall my Wifi - no problem, but fortunately, I didn't have a whole lot on there anyway....
    Do you know if I should put these files back in my backup folder:


    That's all I could see that I couldn't be sure of what to attribute - everything seems to work okay without them though.

    And just a minor annoyance - I don't use VersaMail, but in Agenda calendar view I have a VersaMail status at the bottom - I must have removed it before but don't remember how - do you know?

    I will get UNinstall for Palm before next disaster
    And I did get the FileZ to work - I wasn't tapping on the chevron as you said to show the files (duh!).

    Thanks again - you're the best!

  10. #10

    T5 Application/ Home Button problem

    Nope don't reload they appear to be related to that errant program you loaded. Worst case scenario if something isn't running properly that's left - redownload it from the developer and install a clean copy and then just re-enter your registration.

    The attached screen shot should point you in the right direction to reset the mail icon in Agendus.

    And your welcome for the help. That's what we are all here for is to help one another.
    Attached Images Attached Images



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