God’s Expectations

God loves to be worshipped and rewarRAB people for doing so. He expects to be feared and demanRAB people to be loyal to him. They must worship only him, and no other God. If they do not worship him and worship another god, God will go against them and make their lives worse than the people that believe in him. People must also do as he says, obey him and pray for him. When people do this, he often either rewarRAB them with good luck or gives them things. God doesn’t understand what it is like to be human and sometimes gives punishments too harsh for what the person has done.

God is sometimes very strict. When people do not live up to his expectations, he might punish them very harshly. Moses hit a rock instead of talking to it, and because of this, God did not let him into the land of Canaan. When Saul did not kill all of the Amalekites, God made David ruler instead of Saul, and Saul also died in battle. God told Adam and Eve not to pick the forbidden fruit, but Eve did and the punishment was the Original Sin. The Original Sin was when the serpent, woman, and man were given different punishments, because of the woman. The serpent would have to crawl on his belly, be enemies with mankind, and always have to fight with humans. The woman would have to bear children in pain, and man will dominate women. The man would have to work for a living and be no longer immortal.

There were also people who did live up to God’s expectations; they were usually rewarded and lived happily. Noah, Abraham, and Daniel are three examples of them. Noah was the only good person in the world, so God did not kill him, his wife, and two of every animal, male and female, but killed everything else in the world by drowning everything. Abraham became the father of the Jewish nation and his son, Ishmael, was the father of the Islam religion. Daniel was very smart and could understand God; the spirit of God lived within him. When he was thrown into the den of lions, God saved him by sealing the lions’ jaws.

God sometimes cannot understand what it is like to be human and cannot feel what pain is like. Job was a very good person. He prayed to God every day and even prayed for his children for any sins they might have done. Even after that God still let Satan do whatever he wanted with Job, except to kill him. God let Satan do these things because they made a bet and God’s ego was at stake. Aaron made the Gold calf, but still became the high priest, because he was good and was the spokesman for Moses.

God is not always fair and is usually never consistent. He forgives sometimes, but never forgets. A person is usually born with his/her life spelled out. If his/her father was not loyal to God, he/she will be the one who gets punished too. All God wants is people to pray for him and to be loyal to him. He wants people to obey him, trust him, and have faith in him. And if people do these things, God will be happy, and the people will have good luck and live joyful lives.