...sort of a dizzy , eye ache,? a couple of days ago my eyes started hurting, aching, dizzyness and nauseated from looking at my monitor, tv, or lights. Not sure what it is but after 5 minutes of looking at my monitor again i get this sick feeling in my eyes, if i look to long at my monitor eventually my eyes will start to spin, like a drunk dizzy feeling. this happened b4 to me a couple years ago , but it went away in a couple of days. ive had this one tho for 4 days. kept away from my monitor/tv and looking at lights as much as possible. ive done little exercises with focusing in to close objects are far objects but doesnt really help. i have a 20/20 vision, i would say far vision , i hate focusing at up close obects for it hurts my eyes a bit. ohh and my face isnt in my monitor , im atleast 3 feet away from it. not a backlit lcd. thanks