A girl I met on the internet and I are no longer friends. She turned out to be crazy. She sent me threatening text messages and emails. I know her full first and last name and I have a picture of her, and I know what city she lives in and where she goes to school. I replied to several of her text messages one of which I asked why she was threatening me, and the other to forgive her for what she's done. I told her boyfriend about the threats she made against me and he asked if she was cheating on him, and I planned on taking the information I gathered, have and filing a report, and possible restraining order, thing is, I never met her in person, she lives in Nevada, and I live in New York, but she has bothered me so much. I changed my phone number, and email, and I deleted her off facebook, but I get messages from her, her last email was I'll be taking action against you, you are manipulating the situation. I believe she threatened a friend of hers, because I saw it on her facebook wall. She said she didn't like the fact I told people about the threats she made against me, and had her picture on my account. Is there enough information here to file a restraining order given we live in different states, as she is around children, and who is to say she won't threaten some child and she is a teacher also. She is a horrible person.