I'm a total beginner with Perl, so forgive me if this is a pretty simple fix. Anyway, every time I run through this, it only ever takes the first path. What's up?

print "Which gas type will you be using?\n";
print "(Regular, Plus, Premium, Diesel)\n";
$type = <STDIN>;
if ($type = "regular"){
$type = $regular;
print "You use regular gas and will pay about \$";
print $type;
print " per gallon.\n";
} elsif ($type = "plus"){
$type = $plus;
print "You use Plus gas and will pay about \$";
print $type;
print " per gallon.\n";
} elsif ($type = "premium"){
$type = $premium;
print "You use Premium gas and will pay about \$";
print $type;
print " per gallon.\n";
} elsif ($type = "diesel"){
$type = $diesel;
print "You use Diesel gas and will pay about \$";
print $type;
print " per gallon.\n";
} else {
print "$type is not a recognized gas type!";