Now some say hey it is my preference get off my back. And yeah back in the 1980's I would have bought that. But even if you could explain preference based only on race you could not explain how so many people just woke up with the same idea. Black men and Asian women just both happened to have preferences for White????? Come on now. Second how come Black women or Asian men do not date high numbers of Whites seeing that they are from the same racial culture as Black men or Asian women?

Now if you are the type that is saying here and now, "You know what screw you I would date this White man or White woman even if I was the only one on the damn planet doing it." Then I am not talking to you. But with so much copying going on how come at least when we pick the person we are going to love, how come that choice atleast can't be our own without the influence of the group???

Why would someone let a poll tell them who they should and should not date? Why do people not ask the question what are Black women and Asian men going to do when they find more and more of their mates are not available? How come you see this same dynamic of dating going on in almost every city in the US and even in other countries??? Why does No One Question the reason people all over the world had the same damn Idea at the same damn time? What I think is going on is group think. But again I ask could this really be a preference or is this follow the leader gone amuck taking the game even into the bed room? Is there nothing so sacred so important that we demand to decide for ourselves what to do?

What happens when Black women and Asian men out of desperation turn to each other? Then we will have another group couple. Why oh why can't people at least when it comes to love pick the person they love not the one the groups says you should love?????