racist and violent but ignore or defend? ..................liberal protests which are often more violent, more destructive and involve a lot more arrests than Conservative protests do. I haven't heard about any tea party protests being violent or involving any arrests.There are always going to be a few loonies in every group but 99% of tea party members aren't racist. those who have racist signs don't represent tea party members. The tea party condemns that kind of behavior. Some people complain about a few tea party members comparing Obama to hitler but didn't liberals also compare bush to Hitler? There is also a good possibility of liberals going to tea party protests with racist signs to try to make the tea party look bad.
America on Bush's watch - quoat "teabaggers form gangs to assault lone women"

i tried to look up a video on a teabagger(s) assulting a woman but i didn't find anything so could you give me a link to back up your claim? And Even if there was a group or person who assulted a woman at the a tea party rally they would be idiots who don't represent tea party values. Didn't I say that there are a few idiots in every group and did you know that a lot more people get hurt at liberal protests including women.
I finally found a video on the assult and what they did was wrong but that was probably one of the few violent situations at the at a tea party rally. Those people who did it are idiots and shouldn't even go to tea party rallies because they clearly don't represent what a real tea party member is.