I'm writing a book and I want to know how it would really go down so I can write accordingly.
I know judges have a lot of room for interpretation of their duties.
the main character is on trial for murder and representing himself.
for story purposes he has to be declared insane normally the defense attorney would take care of that, but with him self representing he can't ask for an insanity plea, so if the judge thought he was obviously crazy would the judge have the authority to make the defendant take an insanity plea?
Thanks for your help all of you.
I had figured with him self representing he coudn't attempt an insanity plea, and in fact he wouldn't because he isn't insane the truth just sounds crazy. I also figured the judge could demand he submit to a psychological exam after he got up on the stand and began spouting crazytalk. I also concidered that he wouldn't be representing himself anymore after the psychological exam.